Hi, I'm Hoa Nguyen.
Software Engineer

Specialized in software development
and Agile methodology

Hoa Nguyen

Latest Blog Post


Function Invocation and the Execution Stack in JavaScript

Up until now, we've been focusing on the global execution context and how it is created and executed. However, functions hold a special place in this...

Hoa Nguyen
Hoa Nguyen


What does "use strict" in JavaScript

Introduction The "use strict" directive enables JavaScript’s strict mode. JavaScript’s strict mode was introduced in ECMA...

Hoa Nguyen
Hoa Nguyen


Understanding Execution Context, Creation, and Hoisting in JavaScript

JavaScript is a powerful and versatile programming language that allows developers to build dynamic and interactive web applications. To fully underst...

Hoa Nguyen
Hoa Nguyen


Exploring the Global Environment and the Global Object in JavaScript

In this blog post, we will dive into the concepts of the global environment and the global object in JavaScript. Understanding these fundamental aspec...

Hoa Nguyen
Hoa Nguyen


Syntax Parser, Execution Context, and Lexical Environment in Javascript

Welcome to an enlightening exploration of the inner workings of JavaScript! In this conceptual aside, we will dive deep into three essential concepts:...

Hoa Nguyen
Hoa Nguyen


What is Lean Software Development? Definition and Principles

Waste is expensive! 💸 It’s paying someone not to do any real work, for supplies you don’t need, or for team members to sort out a preventa...

Hoa Nguyen
Hoa Nguyen

Scrum thumbnail

Explaining the Scrum Methodology

In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, project management methodologies play a crucial role in ensuring successful and efficient delivery of...

Hoa Nguyen
Hoa Nguyen

What is Kanban

Explaining the Kanban Methodology

Kanban is one of the methods you can use as a project manager to organize tasks and track progress, as well as continually improve the way that you le...

Hoa Nguyen
Hoa Nguyen

Agile frameworks

Agile Framework Comparison: Scrum vs Kanban vs Lean vs XP

If you are new to Agile, it may be hard to wrap your head around the concept. That is because Agile is just a set of abstract principles that are void...

Hoa Nguyen
Hoa Nguyen

Agile vs traditional project management

Agile vs traditional project management

What is Project Management?  Project management is a systematic approach that organizations employ to plan, organize, and allocate resources in...

Hoa Nguyen
Hoa Nguyen

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