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In modern web development, JavaScript is a crucial language for creating interactive and responsive user interfaces. When it comes to optimizing the performance of web applications, developers often encounter scenarios where they need to handle user events efficiently. Two commonly used techniques for this purpose are debounce and throttle. In this blog post, we will delve into the differences between these two techniques, understand their use cases, and provide code examples to demonstrate their functionalities.


Debouncing is a technique that ensures a function is executed only after a specific period of inactivity from the user. It is particularly useful for scenarios where you want to reduce the number of times a function is called, especially when handling events like scroll, resize, or key presses, which can trigger multiple events in quick succession.

Imagine a search input field where users can enter keywords. Without debounce, the input's onChange event would trigger with every keystroke, leading to multiple unnecessary API calls. By using debounce, we can delay the API call until the user pauses typing.


Imagine you are building an e-commerce website with a powerful search feature that suggests products to users as they type in the search box. Without debounce, the search function would be triggered with every keystroke, causing multiple API calls and slowing down the application.

With debounce, you can improve the user experience by delaying the API call until the user pauses typing. Let's take a look at the code example below:

function debounce(func, delay) {
  let timerId;
  return function (...args) {
    timerId = setTimeout(() => {
      func.apply(this, args);
    }, delay);

// Simulated API call to fetch autocomplete suggestions
function fetchAutocompleteSuggestions(keyword) {
  // Perform API call to fetch suggestions based on the keyword
  console.log('Fetching autocomplete suggestions for:', keyword);
  // Display the suggestions to the user

const searchInput = document.getElementById('searchInput');
const autocompleteSearch = debounce((keyword) => {
}, 500);

searchInput.addEventListener('input', (event) => {
  const keyword =;

In this example, the autocompleteSearch function is wrapped with debounce, ensuring that the API call to fetch autocomplete suggestions is delayed until the user pauses typing for at least 500 milliseconds. This way, the user experiences a smoother search with reduced network requests, enhancing the overall performance of the search feature.


Throttling, on the other hand, is a technique that limits the rate at which a function can be executed. It ensures that a function is executed at most once every specified time interval. This technique is ideal for scenarios where you want to control the frequency of events, such as scroll or mousemove, to prevent overwhelming the system with frequent function calls.

For instance, if you have a scroll event listener that triggers animations or updates elements on the page, using throttle will prevent those updates from happening too frequently.

Throttle Real-World Example: Scrolling Performance

Imagine you have a dynamic web page with heavy animations or complex computations that need to be triggered based on the user's scroll behavior. Without throttle, the scroll event listener could fire excessively, causing an overload of function calls and leading to a choppy user experience.

By applying throttle to the scroll event, you can control the frequency of function execution, allowing smooth animations and optimal performance. Here's an example:

function throttle(func, limit) {
  let throttling = false;
  return function (...args) {
    if (!throttling) {
      throttling = true;
      func.apply(this, args);
      setTimeout(() => {
        throttling = false;
      }, limit);

// Simulated scroll event action
function handleScroll() {
  // Perform actions on scroll (e.g., animations, element updates)
  console.log('Handling scroll event!');

const throttledScrollHandler = throttle(handleScroll, 1000);

window.addEventListener('scroll', throttledScrollHandler);

In this example, the handleScroll function is wrapped with throttle, ensuring that the function is executed at most once every 1000 milliseconds. This way, the animations and updates associated with scrolling are controlled, leading to a smoother and more enjoyable user experience.

Debounce vs. Throttle: When to Use Each?

  • Use Debounce when you want to trigger a function after a certain period of inactivity (e.g., search input, autocomplete).
  • Use Throttle when you want to limit the rate of function execution to prevent excessive triggering of events (e.g., scroll, resize, mousemove).


Debounce and throttle are essential techniques in the JavaScript developer's toolkit to optimize the performance and responsiveness of web applications. Understanding their differences and knowing when to apply each technique will help you create smoother, more efficient user experiences. Whether you need to delay API calls during user input or limit frequent event triggers, debounce and throttle are powerful tools that will enhance your JavaScript applications.