Tips Javascript

Discover many essential JavaScript tips that every developer should know. Enhance your coding skills, write cleaner code, and solve common problems efficiently. Take your JavaScript knowledge to the next level!


Nullish Coalescing Operator (??) in JavaScript

In the programming world, you might encounter unfamiliar symbols or operators that leave you scratching your head. One such symbol that might have ca...

Hoa Nguyen
Hoa Nguyen

Code Tips and Trick

How To Check If a Key Exists In a Javascript Object

Checking if a key exists in a JavaScript object is a common task that often arises in JavaScript development. In this guide, we will explore different...

Hoa Nguyen
Hoa Nguyen


10 JavaScript Sites Every Web Developer Should Know

Introduction As a web developer, mastering JavaScript is essential for creating dynamic and interactive web experiences. To hone your skills and stay...

Hoa Nguyen
Hoa Nguyen


Simplify String Handling with JavaScript Regular Expressions

As a software engineer with over a decade of experience, I've witnessed firsthand the transformative power of regular expressions. While their syntax...

Hoa Nguyen
Hoa Nguyen