Map is a JavaScript data structure you can use to store a collection of values, similar to Objects. It is a specialized data structure that can help you store and manipulate related values. In this tutorial, we will see how Map works in detail and when to use it.
The Map Object Explained
The Map
object stores data in a key/value pair structure, just like an Object. The main differences between a regular object and a Map
- A
can have any type of data as the key value - A
maintains the order of data added to the object
How to Create a Map Object
To create a Map
object, you can call the Map()
constructor as follows:
const myMap = new Map();
The code above creates a new empty Map
Map Object Methods and Properties
A Map
object has the following methods and properties:
set(key, value)
– Adds a key/value pair to a Mapget(key)
– Retrieves a value from a Map (returnsundefined
if key doesn't exist)has(key)
– Checks if a Map has a specific keydelete(key)
– Removes a specific key from a Mapclear()
– Removes all items from a Mapkeys()
– Returns all keys in a Mapvalues()
– Returns all values in a Mapentries()
– Returns all keys and values in a Mapsize
– Returns the number of items in Map
To insert data into the Map
object, you can use the set()
const myMap = new Map();
myMap.set(1, 'Xuho');
myMap.set(2, 'Nguyen Hoa');
myMap.set('animal', 'Owl');
The code above creates a Map
object with 3 entries as follows:
0: {1 => "Xuho"}
1: {2 => "Nguyen Hoa"}
2: {"animal" => "Owl"}
To retrieve a value from the Map
object, you need to use the get()
method and pass the key as its argument:
console.log(myMap.get(1)); // Xuho
console.log(myMap.get('animal')); // Owl
To see how many key/value pairs a Map
has, you can access the size
myMap.size; // 3
To see if a certain key exists in a Map
object, you can use the has()
method. See the example below:
myMap.has(1); // true
myMap.has(10); // false
To remove a key/value pair from a Map
object, you can use the delete()
method and pass the key of the pair you want to remove as follows:
// 0: {2 => "Nguyen Hoa"}
// 1: {"animal" => "Owl"}
If you want to remove all key/value pairs, you can use the clear()
method instead:
console.log(myMap); // Map(0) {size: 0}
Other Ways to Create a Map Object
You can also create a Map
object from an Array as follows:
const myMap = new Map([
[1, 'Xuho'],
[2, 'Nguyen Hoa'],
['animal', 'Owl'],
When creating a Map
from an Array, you need to create a two-dimensional array and specify two elements in each array.
The first element will be the key, the second element will be the value. Any extra value in the array will be ignored.
In the example below, the value 'Johnson' from the first array will be ignored by the Map()
const myMap = new Map([
[1, 'Xuho', 'Hoanx'], // the value 'Hoanx' is ignored
[2, 'Nguyen Hoa'],
['animal', 'Owl'],
Because you can create a Map
object from an array, you can also create one from an object. You need to transform the object into an array first using the Object.entries()
The following example shows how to use an object to create a Map
const person = {
'name': 'Xuho',
'country': 'Vietnam',
const myMap = new Map(Object.entries(person));
console.log(myMap); // Map(2) { 'name' => 'Xuho', 'country' => 'Vietnam' }
Iterate Over Map Object Data
To iterate over a Map
object data, you can use either the forEach()
method or the for .. of
const myMap = new Map([
[1, 'Xuho'],
[2, 'Nguyen Hoa'],
['animal', 'Owl'],
// iterate using the forEach() method
myMap.forEach((value, key) => {
console.log(`${key}: ${value}`);
// or using the for .. of loop
for (const [key, value] of myMap) {
console.log(`${key}: ${value}`);
Both methods give the same output:
1: Xuho
2: Nguyen Hoa
animal: Owl
When to Use the Map Object
You can think of the Map
object as an upgraded version of the regular Object. It can use any type of data as the key value, while an object can only use string values as keys.
Under the hood, the Map
object performs better when you need to add and remove keys, so you might consider using it when your data changes frequently.
Also, the Map object has many useful methods for data manipulation, such as has()
to see if the Map contains a specific key, keys()
to get all keys defined in the Map
, values
to get all values, and entries()
to get all key/value pairs.
But if you only want to create an object without further manipulation, then you don't need to use the Map
One example is when you send a network request using the fetch()
method. You would create an object and convert it into a JSON string, so using a Map
object won't give any benefit.