Table of content:

Here are 4 ways to combine strings in JavaScript. My favorite way is using Template Strings. Why? Because it’s more readable, no backslash to escape quotes, no awkward space separator, and no more messy plus operators

const name = 'Hoa Nguyen';

// Template Strings
`hi ${name}`;

// join() Method
['hi', name].join(' ');

// Concat() Method
''.concat('hi ', name);

// + Operator
'hi ' + name;

// hi Hoa Nguyen

1. Template Strings

If you come from another language, such as Ruby, you will be familiar with the term string interpolation. That's exactly what template strings are trying to achieve. It's a simple way to include expressions in your string creation which is readable and concise.

const name = 'Hoa Nguyen';
const country = '??';

Problem of Missing space in String concatenation

Before template strings, this would be the result of my string ?

"Hi, I'm " + name + "and I'm from " + country;

 Did you catch my mistake? I'm missing a space. And that's a super common issue when concatenating strings.

// Hi, I'm Hoa Nguyenand I'm from ??

Resolved with Template Strings

With template strings, this is resolved. You write exactly how you want your string to appear. So it's very easy to spot if a space is missing. Super readable now ?

`Hi, I'm ${name} and I'm from ${country}`;

2. join()

The join method combines the elements of an array and returns a string. Because it works

const array = ['My social links are: '];
const socialUsernames = ['Facebook: @xuho', 'Twitter: @nxhoase'].join(', '); // Facebook: @xuho, Twitter: @nxhoase
array.push(socialUsernames); // ['My social links are: ', 'Facebook: @xuho, Twitter: @nxhoase']

array.join(' '); 

// My social links are: Facebook: @xuho, Twitter: @nxhoase

with an array, it's very handy if you want to add additional strings.

Customize Separator

The great thing about join is that you can customize how your array elements get combined. You can do this by passing a separator in its parameter.

const array = ['My social links are: '];
const socialUsernames = ['Facebook: @xuho', 'Twitter: @nxhoase'].join(' - '); // Facebook: @xuho - Twitter: @nxhoase



// My social links are: Facebook: @xuho - Twitter: @nxhoase

3. concat()

With concat, you can create a new string by calling the method on a string.

const instagram = '@xuho';
const twitter = '@nxhoase';
const tiktok = '@hoanx';

'My social links are: '.concat(instagram, ', ', twitter', ', tiktok);

// My social links are: @xuho, @nxhoase, @hoanx

Combining String with Array

You can also use concat to combine a string with an array. When I pass an array argument, it will automatically convert the array items into a string separated by a comma ,.

const array = ['xuho', 'nxhoase', 'hoanx'];

'My social links are: '.concat(array);

// My social links are: @xuho,@nxhoase,@hoanx

If you want it formatted better, we can use join to customize our separator.

const array = ['xuho', 'nxhoase', 'hoanx'].join(', ');

'My social links are: '.concat(array);
// My social links are: @xuho, @nxhoase, @hoanx

4. Plus Operator (+)

One interesting thing about using the + operator when combining strings. You can use to create a new string or you can mutate an existing string by appending to it.


Here we are using + to create a brand-new string.

const instagram = '@xuho';
const twitter = '@nxhoase';
const tiktok = '@hoanx';

const newString = 'My social links are: ' + instagram + twitter + tiktok;


We can also append it to an existing string using +=. So if for some reason, you need a mutative approach, this might be an option for you.

let string = 'My social links are: ';

string += '@nxhoase' + 'hoanx';

// My social links are: @nxhoase@hoanx

Browser Support

Browser Template String join concat +
Internet Explorer ✅ IE 5.5 ✅ IE 4 ✅ IE 3

Performance Test

const icon = '?';

timeInLoop("template literal", 1e6, () => `hi ${icon}`);

timeInLoop("plus operator", 1e6, () => "hi " + icon);

timeInLoop("concat func", 1e6, () => ''.concat('hi ', icon));

timeInLoop("arr join", 1e6, () => ['hi', icon].join(' '));

run 1 million times each

template literal: 1e+6:     14.575ms
plus operator:    1e+6:     53.776ms
concat func:      1e+6:     391.723ms
arr join:         1e+6:     681.97ms


